Outplacement course – 4selection

Outplacement course – 4selection

Fast Track Course, 2 days virtuel group training. 2 x 2 hours on Day 1 and Day 2. Plus 2 x 1 hours individuel virtuel training. In total 10 hours training.
The courses is virtuelle (via the internet) And we use the platform Microsoft Teams, free version can be downloaded here.
Special New Year Offer: 6,000.00 DKK. Plus Danish Tax 1,500.00 DKK. In total 7,500.00 DKK.

4selection is a registered company in Denmark, with Registered Company number: DK-29741239. Our permission to have a recruitment company governed by Danish and European legislation. Danish Data Protection Agency approval/reg no: 2006-46-0353. 4selection Edvard Grieg’s Gade 7, 2100 Copenhagen OE Denmark Website: www.4selection.com



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